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Insurance Jobs, Area Jobs
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Insurance Jobs

Western Dakota Insurors, Connie Ryan, Human Resource Manager: "Our insurance agency has struggled for the last several years trying to find qualified applicants with insurance experience. Luckily for us, NationJob contacted me. We believe that placing our employment ads with NationJob has been one of the best business decisions our agency has made! Almost immediately we received resumes from 3 very qualified applicants with insurance experience. I would highly recommend NationJob."(11/14)

Pennlife/Senior Solutions, Donna Carter, Office Manager: quot;Kim, our office has definitely profited from using your website, a young man from Indianapolis saw the site and called us about the job we had posted. He moved to our area, went to work for us and is going to be a huge asset for our office. I am so glad we were informed about your company and were able to utilize your services. Thank you for being so helpful and informative Kim, its a pleasure working with you."

Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Arkansas, Teresa Smith: "I have listed approximately 12-14 openings through NationJob during the past few months. I believe it is a valuable service. The company has been very willing to work with us. All I have had to do is fax position descriptions of available openings, benefit information, etc., and they handle it from there--very easy."

Glatfelter Insurance Group, Sara Spangler, Human Resources Administrative Manager: "We have been using the service since 1999 and are very satisfied with the exposure we get. With the number of resumes we receive, I think it is very cost effective and we plan to continue using it in the future."

Mary Sue Smith Insurance Agency, Inc., Christina G.Wheeland, Office Manager: "Good News, we offered our position to a qualified applicant, whose resume we received as a result of our NationJob advertisement and she accepted! You may now pull our ad from the website as the position has now been filled. Thanks so much for all of your help. Adding us to the full time menu
helped immensely."

Rosenfeld Einstein, Sherry Laws, VP Finance Operations: "One of our postings to NationJob was our position that is always the hardest to fill. We received our most qualified candidate responses through NationJob and hired one of those applicants. This candidate worked for the second-largest and a very reputable agency in Rhode Island, was here visiting friends and saw our ad on your site, read our company profile, sent us her resume, and the rest (as they say) was history. The people of NationJob and the great results from using the site combine for a very effective and efficient recruiting process."

Stephens Inc. Investment Bankers, Marty Moore: "Stephens Inc. has posted between 75 and 100 positions on the network. We received an average of five to ten resumes in response to each posting, most of which have had the necessary qualifications for the position. As I am sure you are aware, the number of available applicants in the central Arkansas area is very limited at this time. Through NationJob Network, we have received resumes from potential employees in several other states that we would not normally have access to without the high cost of advertising. NationJob Network allows us to be on the leading edge of technology without the added expense."

Utica First Insurance Company, Nancy Bangs: "We placed an Information Systems Position on NationJob for the 30 day period and received 80 resumes. We are happy with the service and will certainly use again."

Wausau Insurance, William Tolley: "Wausau has been using NationJob for over a year now. We have received a number of applications for a variety of different positions and have made quite a few hires, including a high-level Pharmacist to work in the health insurance area and some IS people. We are very pleased with NationJob and would definitely recommend it to anyone!"

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